Fibres and Textiles

The Institute for Frontier Materials is home to Australia’s largest fibre and textile research group. Our team has broad expertise and capability across fibres and textiles, with a strong focus on improving the sustainability of the textile industry across the supply chain, including pathways for adding value to textile waste.

Producing functional fibres and textiles, re-purposing and recycling textile waste, and designing new materials and processes to add value to textiles are just some of our key research strengths.

We have a multi-disciplinary team, consisting of textile engineers, fibre technologists, material scientists, physicists, chemists, biologists and polymer scientists, focused on driving innovation toward new circular materials and technologies.

Much of this research is carried out in the ARC Research Hub for Future Fibres, which is led by IFM. In partnership with several highly innovative companies and international research leaders, the Hub is accelerating transformation of Australia’s traditional manufacturing industry to a vibrant future-fibre oriented advanced manufacturing sector.

Research news

Research projects


Professor Joselito Razal Director ARC Research Hub for Future Fibres
+61 3 524 79337

Dr Matt Boyd Manager ARC Research Hub for Future Fibres
+61 3 5227 8580