Research news
Research projects
Green insulation for the automotive industry
Deakin fibre scientists have developed a new wool-based insulation textile for car interiors, in a bid to solve the automotive industry’s need for affordable, sustainable alternatives to synthetic, petroleum-based plastics.
Surface treatments – adding value to textiles
A collaborative research partnership between Deakin University’s Institute for Frontier Materials and HeiQ Australia has delivered two commercial products based on the team’s cutting edge, short polymer fibre technology.
Rating system targets motorcycle safety
A world first ratings system for motorcycle clothing, developed by IFM researchers, is now being rolled out across Australia and New Zealand. In December 2019 the program won a prestigious international road safety award.
Professor Joselito Razal
Director ARC Research Hub for Future Fibres
+61 3 524 79337
Dr Matt Boyd
Manager ARC Research Hub for Future Fibres
+61 3 5227 8580